WITCH STUFF is a lovely and cool cauldron font.
I had this idea after creating 'dear xmas' two years ago, I used the same characters, since I really liked the concept I achieved years ago. Obviously, I've learned a lot in these two years, and this font is even more beautiful, I added many stars and, of course (the main shape)… a cool and huge cauldron!!!.. I really loved the outcome. What do you think? It's cool, don't you think?
I love that it's full of magic, cauldrons, and lots and lots of stars.
This font includes:
⋒ OTF font file “WITCH STUFF-BASE”
⋒ Accent characters and most symbols ARE NOT included.
✷ Use the 14 symbols included to make cute/cool compositions.
- Period . – Ghost
- Comma , – Heart
- Colon : – “White witch” cauldron
- Colon ; – “Making magic” cauldron
- Asterisk * – Star
- Number sign # - Stars group
- Slash / – “Stay spooky” cauldron
- ParenLeft ( – Witch's broom
- ParenRight ) – Witch Hat
- Bracket Left [ – Cauldron
- Bracket Right ] – Heart Cauldron
- Ampersand & – & Cauldron
- Plus + – “Halloqueen” Cauldron
- Percent % – “Hello witches” Cauldron
⋒ If you need the .TTF font file or if you have any questions or any other request, please contact us.
María Feliz Team ♥